
  • A Sound Dispatched

    I have been surprised by how much I love being a mommy.  It is really more wonderful and amazing than I could've ever imagined.  And, try as I might, I just can't find the words to describe the feeling.  But I want to try.

    What human experience can compare to this?
    A baby, a product of love
      that enlarges with every second of life lived out.
    Love Incarnate.
    Love that takes a life of its own --
      moves, breathes, cries, talks, giggles and laughs
    and knows how to love in return.
    A sound dispatched
      that resounds
      and echoes back to me.
    Love which grows and stretches
      bigger, stronger, taller, heavier
    over time.
    A fountain spilling over,
      running down, flowing, overflowing --
    A miracle --
      every moment, a miracle,
        bursting forth,
      every second, every moment,
    I am awed by her every breath,
      which takes my breath away
    and causes me to breathe
      words of praise
    to the Creator,

  • Trees of Praise

    I just found this poem I wrote on our honeymoon a few years ago, which I wrote in my Palm Pilot as we were driving around...

    ever-stretching before us,
    vast and wide, a multitude
    unending, surrounding,
    around, all around us.

    outstretched to heaven
    giving praise, pouring out the gratitude that spills from the depths of our souls to
    the Maker who brought us together to this place.

    stretching, winding, wrapping around sandpoints, the foot of mountains –
    miles of glass, mirrors of, reflections of,
    the trees of praise.

    25 miles an hour --

    a quiet town
    sleeps, sits, stands, settles without hurry, whispers
    praise to the God of all creation who speaks in magnified magnificence to all who pass through --

  • In the heat

    Sifting through my old poetry binder, I found this poem I wrote May 28, 1997.  It's a truly amusing poem to me.  It's a terrible poem, and silly, but yet poignant somehow.

    "In the heat"

    I gave a girl a bottle of water
    as she was walking in the heat.
    She didn't know what to say, so
    she looked down at her feet.
    She frowned at me
    with upset dismay --
    She wanted to throw the bottle away!
    She examined the bottle
    and saw a crack.
    She yelled, "Are you trying to
    put poison down my back?"
    Appalled, I yanked the bottle back,
    because trust was something
    she surely lacked;
    but surprised I certainly was not,
    'cause 'Don't talk to strangers'
    was what she was taught.
    Scary that the world can't trust.
    Caution and wariness is a must.
    Tomorrow, I will try again;
    perhaps someone will need a friend.

  • "Broken"

    Written by Mary Ann Nguyen
    February 3, 2000

    Broken printer,
      cannot scroll.
    Broken prayers,
      does not flow.

    Broken car,
      cannot run.
    Broken people,
      not so fun.

    So much broken,
      broke my heart.
    Pieces scattered,
      frustration starts.

    But ---

    Broken thoughts,
      impatience breaks.
    Broken noise,
      His Word awakes.

    Broken skin,
      blood stains through.
    Broken body,
      for me and you.

    Broken veil,
      now we see.
    Broken tomb,
      we are set free.

    Broken heart,
      humbled here.
    Broken pride,
      His grace is clear.

    Broken things,
      so sad it seems.
    But broken's needed
      to be redeemed.

  • fasting

    holy desperation
    inner whispers
    longing, yearning
    leaning out of need
    looking, fixing eyes
    never forgetting
    awareness supreme
    Sovereign Provider
    Holy giver of life

  • Why?

    I hate it when people die.
    It makes me so sick to my stomach.
    I want to throw up.
    My head throbs.
    I feel like I'm suffocating.
    The world is half-spinning.
    I can hardly breathe sometimes.
    Feel so tired from emotions, I just want to sleep.
    Sleeping means forgetting briefly
    but then I wake up again, and the realization
    is like finding out about it all over again for the first time.
    And the questions keep surfacing
    Why, why, why?

  • taken by surprise

    I was journaling one morning about two months after Sam & I started dating, and I was inspired to write this poem.  It's funny because I don't write poems, they just write themselves.  I just happen to be the one holding the pen.  And this one, I'm certain, was inspired by God.  It came true! :)

    taken by surprise (written on Oct 14, 2005)

    i had a way of doing things -
    i'd read my books and study my Bible
    and memorize my verses
    and run my mile.

    i'd disciple my girls
    and love my own lost,
    and i'd follow Jesus anywhere (alone)
    no matter what the cost.

    i was planning for singlehood
    for the rest of my life,
    never thought i'd change tracks
    to be "somebody's" wife.

    i had gone to mt. moriah
    and offered "marriage" there,
    an object that i cherised,
    but God said, "you can spare."

    the ram that He provided
    was "singleness" instead.
    "get ready, my darling daughter,
    for soon you will be wed!"

    what shock and surprise
    and utter amazement,
    i'm standing in awe
    with no abatement.

    God took me by surprise -
    i'm scrambling to adjust
    to receive what He has given
    and live a new way of trust.

    now i must plan for something different?
    now i must change the i's to we's?
    now marriage & missions are together?
    how in the world can this be?

    i'm falling for him,
    this man of the Word.
    how we fit together -
    oh, Lord, You heard!

    oh heart's desires
    and whispered dreams -
    how lofty and ideal
    and impossible it seemed.

    but You are God Almighty
    and Father of all.
    Your greatest desire is
    to withhold nothing at all!

    oh Love supreme,
    there's none better but You.
    i know it better now
    and give my life to worship You!

  • So Much Like Me

    a poem i wrote on april 20, 2005 :

    "so much like me"
       mary ann nguyen
       april 20, 2005

    not even real
    so surreal
    too much sweetness
    what to do
    with all the "me too"s?
    unnerving, at best
    will it stand the test
    as we go on
    less pro's, more con?
    i can't resist
    he fits my list
    as far as i see
    so much like me
    -- how can it be?
    it cannot be.
    we haven't met
    must need to forget
    lay on the altar
    trust must not falter
    the Lord will show
    in this how to grow
    to trust Him more
    to shut the door
    to run for Him
    not for my whim
    to love Him best
    set my heart at rest.
    future plans
    He's got what's grand.
    He won't be late,
    and so I wait.

    so much has changed in the last 4 months.
    tonight, i wrote a follow-up:
    too good to be true
    this thing that's new!
    a gift from God
    which makes us laud...
    "Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done.  The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare."  Psalm 40:5
    I have fallen for the best man I have ever known!  His name is Sam, and he is my boyfriend...  *whoah*  i can't believe it!
  • Song of Worship

    Jesus, beautiful Savior,

    Wonderful friend,

    Blessed redeemer,

    Lover til the end,

    Giver of Life,

    Sender of Light,

    Harbinger of Hope,

    Sweet Joy Divine,

    totally mine.


    love You,

    I worship You,

    I give my life to You,

    I honor You with everything I am.


    Make me worthy of Your love,

    a blessing to all people,

    an extension of your heart and your hands.

    No holding back, no holding back.


    Thank you, Jesus,

    for being all.


    Yours forever,

    mary ann

  • a dreamer who doesn't dream

    is like

    a writer who doesn't write
    an artist who doesn't paint
    a plane that can't take flight

    a car that doesn't drive
    a person who doesn't breathe
    -- it's almost like not being alive.

    not being who you were made to be
    not doing what you were called to do
    a prisoner who's not set free!

    i feel like i've been a dreamer who's been dream-dead... plodding around, accepting things as they are... status-quo, complacent plateau -- yes, all that i dread! 

    but death no more,
    i'm no longer dream-dead,
    i'm alive at last.
    on the verge of a miracle instead!

    --Mary Ann Nguyen